Sunday, January 3, 2016

uncut sunday

I have been making some big decisions about school and it really fills me with anxiety.
What if I'm not making the right decision?
How is this all going to work out?
What if it doesn't work out?
Then what will I do?
All day I've been trying to put my anxieties to the side and just focus on trusting in God.
Trusting that these big decisions will be good and that if it doesn't work out, it will still be OK.
All through church I was torn between thinking about all of these things that give me anxiety and focusing on the Lord.
Eventually by the end I was able to be calm and feel at peace with the decisions I am making.
For me, sometimes being at church is like being hugged by someone until you finally accept the hug.
You resist and resist but they squeeze tighter and tighter until you finally relax.
Maybe that's really why I go to church.
I might not get much out of it, but at least I feel more calm at the end.
And that's OK.
After all, the Lord is trying to change us from who we think we are to who He knows we are.

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