Saturday, April 22, 2017

first trimester

I am officially at 14 weeks and haven't escaped the first trimester morning sickness yet.
At exactly week 5 I started getting sick; just lack of appetite at first and getting sick if I thought about food.
Then quickly it turned into full on nausea which turned into pretty severe vomiting.
I ended up losing 10 pounds and going to the hospital twice for dehydration so far.
I've been eating a lot of cereal, switching which kinds I eat so that my stomach doesn't get tired of it.
Pizza has been a go to for me and as of late, salads and plain bean burritos from Taco Bell; specifically.
But every day my stomach wants something different so it's pretty much the luck of the draw each day.
Medicine doesn't seem to do a d**n thing.
And the more intense medications just make me feel so awful that I can't even get out of bed.
So I haven't really had any relief.
Peppermint gum used to work, but now the flavor is too strong and makes me sick.
And because of my scoliosis (assumingly) I have already started having sciatic nerve pain.
As for the good side of things:
At week 8 we were able to have an ultrasound because of my previous miscarriage.
The heartbeat was really strong and it was awesome to see and hear.
We were able to find out the gender in a blood test and will reveal it soon, after we've told our families.
At me E.R. visit we got an ultrasound done and were amazed at how human this little thing looks now.
There were hands and feet and a spine and "it" was just wiggling all over the place!
Pretty neat to see.
As for if I recommend getting pregnant, ask me once I can drink water again.