Sunday, December 13, 2015

uncut sunday

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It's so easy to just not say something.
To hide in the background and blend in with the wall.
Whether it's for or against something, silence is easy.
You don't have to worry about rebuttals or repercussions.
You can go on your merry way and maybe feel as if nothing is different.
But something is different.
You didn't say anything.
And now that thought is lost or that compliment is meaningless.
It begged to be let out and you locked it in.
You didn't give it the voice it deserved.
Because your thoughts deserve a voice.
There's a reason you have your thoughts, and they should be shared.

There are occasions when it's best to keep your thoughts inside, safe from the world.
Where they can build roots and grow into an even better thought.
But usually, if it's pounding at the door over and over again,
It REALLY needs to be given to the world.
There's a reason you have your thoughts, and they should be shared.

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