Wednesday, August 10, 2016

letting it go

During one of my first days at work one of my new coworkers said something pretty snotty to me.
I was SO mad and it just ate at me all day.
I really did not want to see her at work the next day- I was dreading it!
Derek kept telling me to let it go and to stop worrying about it, but I just could not.
Once I got to work the next day though I decided that I was just going to do the best job that I could.
Because I knew that I was good.
And that I was nice.
And that I am who I am.
And if I kept being those things then that snotty comment didn't mean anything.
Because it wouldn't be true.
And it ended up being a great day!
I still made some mistakes but I was able to focus on the good things that I did and in regards to the mistakes,
I decided to not make them again and it would be OK.
Because what someone says or thinks about me is really not my business.
It's not even a reflection of who I am.


  1. Kenzie, I love reading all of your posts! I need to work on letting things go too and after reading your post, I'm definitely going to try harder!

    1. Oh thanks Emi! It is seriously so hard to do , but so important!

  2. ^^ this post! I got chills when you said "it's not even a reflection of who I am". OH. life truth right there. xX


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