Tuesday, August 19, 2014


In the spirit of BYU homeless week I thought that I would share a little story.
A couple of summers ago I was a nanny up in the Salt Lake area.
I always just kept a bag packed in the car because I never knew where I would be sleeping that night.
Depending on when I got done with work, errands, and traffic I would either stay at my parents, my sister's or a friend's.
Thus, my belongings in my car.
I had a stick of deodorant in there and due to the sweltering summer heat it melted.
I was too cheap to buy a new one so I was just going to wait until I stayed at my parent's again.
Since it had melted I couldn't possibly apply it.
So I crossed my fingers and went about my day.
In the late afternoon the little girl I nanny was sitting by me while we watched a movie.
She looks at me after a little bit and says, "you stink".
The Summer heat had gotten to me.
I tried to wipe my pits down with a paper towel to see what that would do.
She informed me that it didn't work.
So I tried my hardest to get that melted deodorant to do it's job.
It must have done something because she smelled the culprits and then looked up at me in amazement and said,
"Woah. How did you do that?"
Magic my dear friend.
Now everyone, go use a little magic today.

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