Sunday, October 9, 2016


A much needed break from the week and a much welcomed day with my husband.
Every Saturday starts the same.
We wake up and Derek goes to soccer and I workout.
And then I start cleaning.
When Derek gets home he helps me finish the cleaning (he does the vacuuming).
Then we fill our day with whatever suits our fancy.
On this Saturday we relaxed for a bit, he studied for a while.
We played some outdoor games.
He won one, I won one.
Then we made dinner for the landlords.
Derek went to Argentina for his mission and came back with a love for Asado.
A few months back, he made this grill (parrilla) with his own two hands.
And last night we used it for the second time to make the literal BEST meat I have ever had.
My husband (and Argentines) are geniuses.
And now I get to be excited for the next Saturday I have with my husband.
Because I'm sure we will find something that will bring us closer in this second year of marriage besides Netflix.


  1. aww that looks like SUCH a fun saturday. When there's steak involved, I'm always down.. You're gorgeous by the way! xX


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