Sunday, June 19, 2016

blessings in disguise

For a while Derek and I have been trying to move on to the next step in our lives.
And that required getting new jobs in a new city and it was starting to get really frustrating.
But we definitely learned a lesson in faith.
He applied for a job that looked really great and that we felt really good about.
A month later we were told to apply again.
A month after that they said that they decided to hire from within.
At that time, I was having to choose a path in life and I stumbled upon a great job opportunity for Derek.
It looked really great and we felt really good about it.
Then we realized that the odds of getting that job were a lot less than we thought.
But the lady in charge helped Derek find other jobs in the same company that might work for him.
He applied to a few and we weren’t hearing anything back.
Through ALL of this I was getting really frustrated.
“Why is none of this working out??? Why are we feeling so positive and at peace with all of these options that aren’t even working out in the end??”
I finally started praying that we (I) would have the faith that what is supposed to happen will happen and not that what I want to happen will happen.
Finally we were led to a job that is absolute perfection.
It’s definitely not his dream job, but it will open the door to so many more opportunities than the other jobs would have.
And the only way that we were able to find this job was because off all the tries and fails.
Each one led us closer and closer to what we were supposed to be doing with our lives.
I always forget that things work out perfectly in the Lord’s hands.
It just takes time, but he is never going to let us fall flat on our face without standing by with an ice pack handy.
We are always so short sighted in the moment and can only see what we want in the present.
But it’s important to step back and try to accept what the Lord wants, even if it’s not what we want.


  1. ^^seriously needed this today. after months of trying to find a good job for myself, my last hope fell through just this past thursday. I seriously cried all day long stressing about what to do next. I realise now that I have seen little opportunities that God is opening for me as we speak, and I definitely need to keep working on learning patience. thank you for posting this-- I needed this reminder. xX

    1. Oh I'm so glad that you liked this and that it was helpful to you. I hope that you find the job that you're looking for! And don't get too down on yourself because hindsight is always 20/20!


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